Decimals and place value
Arithmetic: Place Value
CIMT resources are brilliant for giving the children lots and lots of practice, really to consolidate their skills so that they can be confident selecting and applying those skills
Place Value Games for Students: Aged 7-9
I really liked two of the games in this set, "Aim for 1500" and "Mastermind". I didn't use the third with the class at all. This was used with a bottom set Year 9 group. Canny kids who are really prepared to stick at something rather than giving up immediately. They especially liked Mastermind. It was one of the Christmas games they specifically asked for.
Place value word search
I had a bright Y11 student who was born in Poland and who came to live in England when he was 10. He had no English when he came to live here but now he's fluent, has a local accent and is indistinguishable from native children. However he incorrectly answered "hundreds" to a question on a practice paper. The answer should have been "hundredths". I believed that this is because he has only ever heard the place value names said and had not realised that hundreds and hundredths were different concepts. This proved to be the case when I discussed the question with him. He had not noticed the difference between thousands and thousandths, etc. either.
Place value grid
I used this in a flip chart as a framework for whole class discussions about place value
Place value puzzle
Good plenary with students who are prepared to persist more with a problem.
Starting Games
It's a real dilemma, getting children to do enough work on place value really to understand it without boring them to tears. There are some good games in this resource. At school I had assess to an interactive version of game 5 (in the Primary Games resource packs, if you have those) which we used. If I have to do this again when we are in a non-computer room, I will use this version.
Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
This is a fairly comprehensive resource but I didn't use it as it's presented. Instead I used some of the resources within a lesson plan of my own.
Flipcharts for teaching elements of decimal multiplication and division
I created these flipcharts so that I could have whole class discussions about multiplying decimals by integers and dividing decimals by integers. This was a bottom set Y9 but it would have worked equally well with any of my middle sets in Y8 or Y9.
Arithmetic: Multiplication of Decimals
This is a fairly comprehensive resource but I didn't use it as it's presented. Instead I used some of the resources within a lesson plan of my own.
I did not use this resource with any of my classes, though I really liked it and thought it would be useful. The reason I didn't use it was because I used another of the cre8ate resources (the one about representing 3D shapes in 2D) and, well, it just didn't work. There was too much to think about for the children. I think I didn't lead into it carefully enough. I should have been straightforward, but the codes were just too difficult. Maybe it would work better with a high set?