This list is aimed at the lower end of KS3. The resources are suitable for pupils who have not learnt about averages before. I would suggest using the resources in the order I have listed them. The first 2 resources are good for introducing the topic, teaching it, giving examples and the pupils having a go at questions. The third resource does the same but from a functional point of view. The other resources are all interesting cross-curricular functional ideas to do with pupils that show them the relevance of averages. This unit of work could take 3 or more lessons, depending on how many of the cross-curricular resources you choose to use.
Handling Data 1
Unit 2 pdf pages 17 & 18 make a good introduction to the topic of averages, followed by pdf pages 19-24 taking pupils through the mechanics of finding the mean, median and mode.
The assessment pack, pdf page 11 has a revision sheet on the 3 types of average, could be used as a starter, mini-plenary or homework sheet. Pdf page 19 is an extension sheet with problems to solve on the 3 averages. Pdf page 28 has answers to the questions in unit 2 and page 33 has the revision and extension sheet answers.
Quantitative Data
The Quantitative Data file pages 6-13 has examples and exercises on finding the mean, median, mode and range, followed by examples and questions on using these measures to compare data sets.
The Outline Lessons Plan file contains suggested routes through the MEP resources for this unit of work.
The Detailed Lessons Plan file contains suggested teacher questions and lesson timings to use when teaching this unit.
The Teaching Notes file suggests three differentiated routes through this unit - lower ability, standard and extension.
The Overhead Slides file pages 4-8 has large examples that can be projected onto a whiteboard to use in class.
The Activities file page 2 has a couple of questions on calculating and using averages.
The Mental Tests file has 3 differentiated mental tests on calculating averages.
The Extra Exercises file pages 2-5 contains extra questions on calculating averages if you still need more.
What Is an Average?
This resource comes from the Census At School website. It is a good way of introducing the mean, median and mode to pupils for the first time. It also introduces pupils to using a spreadsheet for performing the calculations, so they can then analyse their results. Data is provided in a file, but you could also collect your own or go to the website to collect different data.
Issue 84: A Resource for the Classroom - Averages Mystery
Once pupils have understood how to calculate the mean, median and mode this resource will present a challenge to them. Pupils have to solve a set of clues to work out what the original data was. This is good for developing their problem solving and thinking skills and suitable for paired/group work.
Pixel Perfection
Once pupils have grasped the basics of calculating averages this resource provides an interesting application in real-life for them. Pupils have to work out the optimum viewing distance from a TV, dependant on the pixellation of the screen. This resource gets pupils working interactively in groups, using their averaging skills.
A suggested lesson plan is in the teachers notes file. The other files contain pictures of different degrees of pixellation for the pupils to investigate.
Helicopter Seeds
Another good resource suitable for when pupils have got the basics of calculating averages. A suggested lesson plan is included in the teachers file. Pupils make helicopter seeds, flight test them, record and analyse the data. This is done in groups. The pupils then modify their seeds, flight test them, record and analyse this new data and draw conclusions based on their findings which can then be presented to the class. There is a helicopter template and data recording worksheet provided.