Generating electricity
Energy sources
This site provides information about different methods of producing electricity. There are lots of useful diagrams, weblinks and explanations. A possible activity would be to allocate a different energy resource to different groups of pupils to research. They could then argue the case for the promotion of their particular energy resource. Given all the information, the class could make a decision on which is the best energy provider for a given area.
EON Energy World
A comprehensive review of types of renewable and non-renewable energy generated in the UK including coal, nuclear, oil, gas, hydro, geothermal, wave, tidal, biofuels, hydrogen fuel cells and solar. Information is presented comparatively as clear diagrams, animations and interactive activities. The site includes energy conversion, storage and transmission.
Model wind turbine for the classroom
A short demonstation video of how to build a wind turbine in the classroom using a pop bottle and readily available parts. Using a small electric motor, as a generator, allows the turbine to generate electricity. Students can experiment with lots of designs and have a competition at the end to see who's generates the most power. This is a practical activity in which the whole class is involved.
How Nuclear Fusion Reactors Work
This site goes into detail about nuclear fusion and therefore requires a little prior knowledge of radioactivity. There are numerous links on each of the pages which would give students the opportunity to look at further evidence.
Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom
This page contains information about the UK's nuclear generating capacity. Suitable for teachers as background information or for post-16 students researching the topic.