Ecology and habitats
Food Webs
Interactive learning resource from Australian education company, Gould League, aimed at Primary school children. Drag and drop African, Australian and Antartic animals and marine life to create a food web. Incorrect answers are given extra clues to help pupils make the right choice. The resource covers: basic food chains and food webs, simple ecology, sorting and classification, night and day animals, fur-feathers-scales, adaptations and endangered animals.
Wild Over Waterways: Habitat
Wild Over Waterways has been developed for primary school children by British Waterways. It provides: topic packs; fact files; activities and trails to make learning about the habitats around canals and rivers fun. The resources can be used to guide a term's learning in the classroom and combined with a visit, help schools meet the 'Learning Outside the Classroom' agenda.
Soil is a free environmental educational resource with a wealth of information about all aspects of soil. The site includes information about what soil is and why it is so important to us, as well as alerting us to the many threats from human activities. There are also numerous activities, downloadable resources and interactive quizzes. The information for teachers shows how the site content links to the relevant parts of the primary and secondary curricula.