Coordinates and 3D coordinates
This unit takes the basic knowledge of coordinates and explores further ideas.
Lesson 1 - A brief recap on coordinates by playing the game. Follow this up by doing some standard textbook questions.
Lesson2 - Look at non-standard coordinate systems in Islamic design.
Lesson 3 - A further rich task extending knowledge of coordinates by looking at the Route to infinity resource.
Lesson 4 - Introduce 3D coordinates by using the youtube video and reinfocing with the Powerpoint which includes some questions.
The online 3D graph plotter might be useful to further develop visualisation skills.
Shape Games for Students Aged 9-11
A straightforward game based on connect 4 for pupils to revise thier knowledge of coordinates. Extend to 4 quadrants to make more difficult.
Islamic Design
Pupils develop non-standard coordinate systems to develop islamic patterns.
Route to infinity
Some more challenging ideas about coordinates to stretch the pupils that already have a basic understanding.
3D coordinates Powerpoint
Introduces pupils to the concept of 3D coordinates and includes some exam questions.
3D coordintes youtube
Introduces pupils to the concept of 3D coordinates by displaying some useful animations.
Online 3D graph plotter
A useful tool for visualising functions in 3 dimensions.