Number Properties
This list has been brought together with a focus on Foundation GCSE (or KS3) and number properties. Sub-topics include: squares/cubes and non algebraic index laws, triangle, prime, odd/even numbers, factors, multiples, Highest Common Factor, Lowest Common Muliples, and prime factor decomposition.
Indices and Standard Form
The PDF entitled "Indices and Standard Form" could be used as a comprehensive workbook for this topic, with brief instructions/explanation, and questions to then try. There is also a PDF with mental tests, to be given verbally (unfortunately they have the answers right next to the questions - you could try printing one of, then using corrector fluid to delete the answers, then photocopying). The "extra exercises" PDF is similar to the initial workbook, except without explantions, and the "overhead slides" PDF can be projected or photocopied as stand alone worksheets.
I have used these resources in other topics, FDP conversion and indices as have found them very comprehensive with a mixture of questions from various different angles. The first PDF can be used as a workbook that pupils can work through fairly independently as it has instructions and explanations within it (if you want it without the instructions use the "extra exercises" PDF). The "overhead slides" PDF can be projected or printed and used as stand alone worksheets. The mental test PDF will have to be used verbally as it has answers on (you could try printing one copy, using corrector fluid to delete the answers and then photocopying).