The resources in this collection focus on the wider issues relating to society and health. They provide a ‘big picture’ in relation to the connection between society and health and the development of new technologies. The activities allow students to explore social, ethical, economic and health issues relating to the Nintendo Wii and present their findings in a persuasive, coherent and focused argument. The unit provides a structure for the development of personal, learning and thinking skills and addresses citizenship.




Showing 16 result(s)

Marketing a product

This activity focuses on promoting a product to a particular target user group. Teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurial skills are required to design, brand and market a new Nintendo Wii product. ‘Make your pitch!’ provides students with an opportunity to explore and...

Mobile Phones and Health

In this activity, students investigate the potential effects to health of the use of mobile phones and their transmitters, which use radio waves and microwaves to transmit information. Research can include the electromagnetic spectrum and its applications and how energy...

Heating effect of infrared

In this activity, students consider the heating effects of infrared energy, and how this is used in a range of products. They design a simple experiment to measure the heating effect of toasters, thermal heaters, infrared mouse, kettles (with heating elements) and...

Input, Process and Output

This resource looks at what properties of infra-red make it so useful in gaming technology? Students develop a working prototype of a simple infra-red electronic circuit, identify an input and an output and test the performance of the circuit. They then explain how the findings of their research could affect their...
