Revised Nuffield Biology

The original Nuffield O-level Biology texts were published in the mid-1960s. About ten years later the texts and guides were revised following an evaluation of the materials.

Many teachers who had experience of using the materials contributed to the evaluation by answering a questionnaire and some of the teachers and many of their pupils provided additional information during visits to schools.

The original aims of the course remained the same, but the new guides for teachers gave greater emphasis to specific objectives for each main section of the course. The subject matter also remained fundamentally the same, but was arranged into four texts, with corresponding guides, instead of five.

The course still placed an emphasis on group practical work, but the problems of long-term practical work were recognised and some data was provided in the guides for teachers to use where investigations might prove too difficult to complete in schools.



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Revised Nuffield Biology combined into single volumes the Student Texts and Teachers’ Guides for the first and second years of the original course. 

The texts for Revised Nuffield Biology offered an amended version of the fifth year of the five-year course to O-level. The revision was based on the experience of numerous teachers with the original edition. Extra help in the teachers’ guide included: indications of possible teaching sequences ; low diagrams...

The texts for Revised Nuffield Biology offered an amended version of the fifth year of the five-year course to O-level. The revision was based on the experience of numerous teachers with the original edition. Extra help in the teachers’ guide included: indications of possible teaching sequences ; low diagrams...

The texts for Revised Nuffield Biology offered an amended version of the fifth year of the five-year course to O-level. The revision was based on the experience of numerous teachers with the original edition. Extra help in the teachers’ guide included: indications of possible teaching sequences ; low diagrams...
