Revise for MEI structured mathematics: C2
Revise for MEI Structured Mathematics has been written by experienced authors especially for A Level mathematics students and provides the ideal preparation for their exam. The series accompanies the MEI Structured Mathematics textbooks. This Revision Guide covers the full content of the C2 module. Each topic is put into context in terms of its general application, and its links to other modules in the course. It also contains handy reminders of related topics covered previously, whilst worked solutions guide students through all the necessary steps in solving typical questions.
Features to help students to improve their grades and to ensure exam success include: - 'Key Facts' - a summary of the essential points to remember- 'Caution' - a guide to the most common exam pitfalls students can avoid. This Revision Guide also includes an interactive CD-ROM or access to the Dynamic Learning Student website featuring: 'Test Yourself' - interactive multiple choice questions on every topic, with diagnostic answers which identify any weaknesses or common errors Exam-style questions - covering every topic, these audio-visual 'Personal Tutor' worked examples explain exactly how each type of question should be tackled. This Revision Guide and CD-ROM/website can be used throughout the course, but are also perfect for students to use at home on study leave.
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