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New partnership boosts STEM support for schools

Published: Oct 11, 2017 2 min read

STEM learning

STEM Learning and Tomorrow's Engineers are launching Tomorrow’s Engineers ENTHUSE Partnerships to build strategic industry relations and develop the teaching of STEM subjects in schools in priority areas.

With funding from the Careers and Enterprise Company and Project ENTHUSE, this new programme will support young people to increase their engagement in the key subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), which open up a huge range of career possibilities and contribute to social mobility.

Selected schools and colleges in key areas across England will be invited to apply to access:

  • bursary funded STEM-specific CPD 
  • the opportunity for teachers to spend up to two weeks with a STEM employer
  • employer-led activities to inspire students 
  • support to establish and sustain STEM Club activities
  • support from STEM Ambassadors
  • support worth up to £12,000

Engineering employers will have the opportunity to work directly with schools, offering hands-on experience, insight and inspiration to teachers and students.

Fran Dainty, Head of STEM Content and Expertise at STEM Learning, said:

“STEM subjects play a vital role in widening the opportunities available to young people. This programme enables us to bring together the proven support of STEM Learning’s ENTHUSE Partnerships with Tomorrow’s Engineers excellent network of employer support to benefit young people in some of the key opportunity areas around the country.”

Sarah Devonport, Regional Engagement Manager and Tomorrow’s Engineers programme lead, said:

“Employers play an important role in making the link between classroom learning and their application in real jobs. This programme sees us build on our experience of working with employers to help them develop fruitful relationships with local schools that see real benefits in terms of student transition into the workplace.”