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Be a part of the Royal Society’s Associate Schools and Colleges network

Published: May 24, 2017 1 min read

STEM learning

The Royal Society’s Associate Schools and Colleges network is currently accepting new applications for membership from UK schools and colleges at all levels of primary and secondary education.

The network supports teachers accessing high-quality, subject-specific support, CPD and provides opportunities to learn and share from its members.  

The support provided through the network aims to help raise the profile of STEM teaching, help teachers share their teaching ideas and good practice, and support STEM being embedded as an enjoyable and respected part of the whole school or college culture. It supports teacher’s access to scientists and high quality scientific research as well as sharing best practice around extra-curricular activities.

Benefits include:
  • priority when applying for the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition
  • early notification of opportunities such as Partnership Grants and Judging the Young People’s Book Prize
  • financial support for your establishment’s membership to subject-specific organisations
  • opportunities to get involved in CPD activities
  • clear signposts to key organisations and resources

Membership is free for the academic year and those interested need to fill in an online application form to apply before Friday 16 June 2017.