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Do you want support to deliver engaging lessons on space at primary level?

Published: Jun 28, 2015 2 min read

Rachel Jackson

Primary Specialist

National STEM Learning Centre

I watched a presentation last week involving a very energetic lady and a school full of even more energetic children, finding out all about Tim Peake’s up and coming trip into space…

Now, this school has been working with an ESERO-UK space ambassador for the past year, using space as a topic to increase the engagement of primary school children with science, numeracy and literacy. Watching children from reception through to Year 6, the enjoyment, enthusiasm and knowledge of all the children was clearly evident.

The ‘Team Tim’ presentation, created by Spacefund and funded by the UK Space Agency allowed children to talk to Tim by a ‘live’ video link and discover more about his journey to the International Space Station (ISS) in December, finding out about life on board the space station and how his training prepares him for life in microgravity.

Children then set about helping a very cheeky ‘animated’ Tim Peake pass several tasks to enable to help him live and work once he is orbiting the Earth. These included learning about keeping hydrated, recycling water, exercise and some of the tasks and experiments he is to perform on board the ISS. This resource will help you train your class to be ready for life as an astronaut.

Of course the ISS is a permanently manned space station with six astronauts up there right now, but it is a little bit special that this year it is someone from UK going into orbit! Some of you may remember when Helen Sharman became the first Brit in space way back in…1991, so it doesn’t happen that often.

In the past year we’ve already had an impressive partial eclipse and watched Philae leaving Rosetta to land on a comet. With space still very much an inspiring and interesting topic for children, how can you get involved?

The ESERO-UK Tim Peake Primary Project will help to connect your school with British astronaut Tim Peake’s mission to the ISS. Offering the opportunity for a space ambassador to come and work with your school providing a range of space activities that have been created to support Tim’s mission to the ISS.