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Design and technology ideas for British Science Week

Published: Feb 26, 2016 2 min read

Gemma Taylor

Technology CPD Lead

National STEM Learning Centre

British Science Week 2016 is happening on 11-20 March. This year’s theme is all about different spaces, with activities and events linking to open space, outer space, digital space, built space and personal space.

To help plan activities for your classroom and clubs, there are a lots of free activity packs to download. Try out activities like designing a modular emergency structures for a disaster zone? Or testing which materials prevent a good Wi-Fi signal in the home? There is even a short activity to support the new BBC micro:bit. 

For help advertising your events in school, you can download stickers and posters here.

There is also a poster competition happening as part of the week for Key Stage 3 students. Students need to come up with ideas about science in different spaces, do some research and design a poster on anything around the theme. Look here for the rules, how to enter, and some ideas to help you get started. 

As part of the week, there are lots of events happening locally that you might like to advertise to your students and their families or attend as part of a school trip. Find an event near you.

Remember to register your events online if you’re running any events in British Science Week – anything from an activity in your classroom to a whole school science week!

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