Jo Cox delivers a fascinating insight into the views of teachers on current industry practices and workplaces.
We are delighted that Jo’s experience has so transformed her thinking about careers in manufacturing, that she is developing, in partnership with local industry an after-school engineering course for her Year 8 and 9 pupils. It is expected that they will eventually qualify as members of the institute of secondary engineers.
Teachers and employers can find out more about the Teachers Industrial Partners' Scheme (TIPS).
Having taken part in the pilot TIPS (Teachers Industrial Partners) scheme sponsored by the IET and the IMECHE, I was invited to deliver my thoughts on the scheme at the ten year anniversary of the Science Learning Network at the House of Commons, on 3 February 2015. The event was hosted by Graham Stuart, Chair of the Commons Education Select Committee…
To give you some background to how important, I believe, schemes like the Teacher Industrial Partners’ Scheme are:
- I recently surveyed just over 100 stem teachers regarding their views on education and the skills required for industry.
- 96% of those teachers, felt that the New National Curriculum alone does not adequately covers the skills required for industry
- 73% of these teachers do not feel adequately equipped to teach their students about current developments in industry
If you add those two statements together, we, as teachers clearly recognise…