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New report shows wide-reaching impact of STEM Ambassadors

Published: Dec 7, 2016 3 min read

STEM learning

An important new report, based on independent evaluation and feedback, looking at the impact made by STEM Ambassadors shows:

  1. STEM Ambassadors inspire young people to better engage with, and continue to study, STEM subjects and explore STEM careers.

  2. STEM Ambassadors have a positive impact on their own organisations, bringing back new skills and experiences, while also raising the profile of their industry and promoting positive images of STEM at work to young people.

  3. STEM Ambassadors enhance the quality of teaching by bringing learning from business and industry into the classroom, enriching teaching and learning with current and cutting-edge STEM contexts.

  4. Individuals who volunteer as STEM Ambassadors develop new skills, boost confidence and find that they get increased satisfaction from their work.

Yvonne Baker, Chief Executive of the National STEM Learning Network, who manage the network of STEM Ambassadors, said:

“STEM Ambassadors are a UK national treasure – an important and free-of-charge resource that benefits the young people, teachers, schools and other groups that they come into contact with. Our new report shows they even benefit their own organisations, bringing new skills, experience and enthusiasm back into their workplace.”

Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, said:

“From Tim Peake’s mission to the International Space Station to Nobel Prize winners leading breakthroughs in science, the UK is home to exceptional scientific talent that puts us at the centre of global science. Inspiring young people to embrace STEM subjects and careers is crucial to maintaining this success.”

Key findings

The report used data collected from the network of over 30,000 STEM Ambassadors, as well hundreds of teachers and thousands of young people. It found that:

  • 90% said that STEM Ambassadors increase young people’s engagement in STEM

“Pupils now have an improved understanding of the applications of mathematics and its relevance in the real work and in many different careers. They appear more engaged and have a genuine interest in the subject and in continuing this course of study at university.” Mathematics Teacher, Scotland

  • 81% said STEM Ambassadors help teachers to improve their understanding so they can better articulate information about STEM careers

“They saw that the STEM Ambassadors loved their work – an alien concept to many, as most of our children are third generation unemployed.”
Assistant Head Teacher and ‘World of Work’ Co-ordinator, Birmingham

  • 90% of STEM Ambassadors said that volunteering in this way increases their sense of satisfaction at work

“It makes them feel good as well, they’re all incredibly proud of what they do. That has a real knock-on effect back in the workplace.”
Employer, engineering sector