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Draw someone who works in industry

Published: Oct 31, 2016 1 min read

STEM learning


The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) is celebrating 20 years since the creation of the Children Challenging Industry Programme.

This programme aims to increase the aspirations of school children to become the scientists and engineers of the future by challenging perceptions, improving teachers’ knowledge and by helping children to enjoy science.

As part of their 20 year celebration, the CIEC has launched a new competition to find out what primary school children think people who work in industry look like.

They are asking primary school children to draw, colour or paint someone in industry. Entries should be submitted to ciec@york.ac.uk and should include the child’s name, age and school.

There are two different categories for key stage 1 and key stage 2 children. The winner of each category will receive a certificate and will win £50 of science equipment for their school.

The closing date for entries is Friday 11 November 2016.