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Bring your badge to work: a new STEM Ambassadors community initiative!

Published: Feb 15, 2017 2 min read

STEM learning

We are excited to announce the launch our STEM Ambassadors network’s first community initiative on social media, entitled “bring your badge to work”.

The concept of the campaign is to celebrate and inspire our volunteers, to tie in with the launch of our new badges. Starting from today and over the next few months, we are looking for STEM Ambassadors across the UK to get involved, sharing their participation online. The hashtag will be #bringyourbadgetowork so if you want to take part, you can participate by posting photos whilst wearing your badge at work and tweeting @STEMAmbassadors and your local Hub.

The constant growth of our volunteer network, as highlighted by the recent national induction for ‘polymer Ambassadors’, which took place at the National STEM Learning Centre, is increasing the vast network of support within STEM industries that we provide for young people and those who work with young people.

With over 30,000 volunteers in the UK from across more than 2,500 employers, our volunteers include apprentices, zoologists, set designers, climate change scientists, engineers of all disciplines, farmers, designers, geologists, nuclear physicists, architects, physicists, ice core chemistry technicians, pharmacists and energy analysts (to name just a few!) If you are signed up to the programme, and would like to raise awareness of a STEM-based industry or the work you do, please get in touch and let us know!

If you are yet to receive your badge, you can still participate by sharing your enthusiasm for the STEM industry you work in- we want to hear from the volunteers who shape our network and emphasise the amazing work you do. If you have registered on our website, you may also want to join our online community group, which offers those who have recently joined the network as well as experienced STEM Ambassadors access to useful links and a forum in which to share ideas and collaborate with other STEM Ambassadors. Current topics include activities and resources and gaining experience as a STEM Ambassador.

We look forward to seeing some really innovative posts with the hashtag #bringyourbadgetowork and fingers crossed to instigating a dialogue between STEM Ambassadors and local STEM Ambassador Hubs across the UK!