Secondary School Maths Workshops by The Problem Solving Company

The Problem Solving Company

If your Secondary School is looking to hold a maths enrichment day the The Problem Solving Company’s KS3 and KS4 maths activity days are a great way to involve either small numbers of students or whole year groups.

For large number of students to participate for longer durations, we can provide an instructor for each 30 students involved.  We aim to timetable the day so that these groups of students will rotate around the different instructors through the day. This will allow participation in a large range of maths activities and puzzles. This rotation can be independent to you normal school day or can be integrated into your normal school lesson timetable.

A new option for larger numbers of students is our Maths Challenge Carousel.  This incorporates 32 Maths Problem Solving Activities that offers full day sessions for large numbers of students.

If you are looking for a smaller group of students to participate such as Gifted and Talented pupils or students that need extra help then these requirements can also met. In addition you may have requirements different to those set out above. Should this be the case then please do let us know and we can discuss a program that will suit your school.

Our maths activity days are a great way to get students to engage with maths in a different way than the normal classroom lessons and one that is always found to be fun. If any of the options interest you please do contact us. 

Expected outcomes

Students will develop generic problem solvings skills, explore ways of working within a team and individually to achieve success. Process and use Mathamatical terms and workings out. Increase resistance to continue to persitant through easy and hard challenges. 

To book this activity, please contact:
Workshops At School Ltd
01335 324820

The Barns
The Hutts Farm, Stanton Lane
United Kingdom

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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