GeoBus: Free Earth science themed workshops for schools

UCL Earth Sciences: GeoBus Program

GeoBus is a free outreach programme run out of the Earth Sciences department of UCL. 

We aim to bring engaging, hands-on sessions to school students. Our range of workshops cover Year 1 to Year 12 and complement the curriculum, whilst giving a great insight into the breadth of Earth science as a subject.

We want to inspire the next generation of Earth scientists by instilling in them a spark of curiosity and wonder for the world around them.

We are currently running interactive virtual workshops with a demonstrator live on screen accompanied by activity kits that are posted to the school ahead of time. 

If you would like to browse our workshops, view our availability, or book, then head over the GeoBus website, or email us at

Expected outcomes

Each workshop covers various areas of the curriculum including Chemistry, Physics and Geography. The students will learn more about Earth Sciences as a subject, whilst giving them the opportunity to apply skills they are learning in lessons to a different subject, helping them develop their subject mastery and enrich their learning. 

To book this activity, please contact:
Amy Edgington

UCL Earth Sciences Department, Kathleen Lonsdale Building
Gower Place, London
WC1E 6BS London

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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