Cartoon Science

Science Made Simple

Discover the differences between cartoon science and real science. We look at friction, materials, gravity, the laws of motion and more.

The laws of physics within cartoons may seem drastically different from the scientific laws within our world, but how different are they?  Does gravity only work when you look down? Are bananas slippery? Do heavy objects fall faster than light objects?

The show features original animated clips, audience interaction and demonstrations of 'real-world' science.

Curriculum Links

Key Stage 2

  • Science is about thinking creatively to try to explain how living and non-living things work and to establish links between causes and effects
  • It is important to test ideas using evidence from observation and measurement
  • Consider what sources of information, including first-hand experience and a range of other sources, they will use to answer questions
  • Use observations, measurements or other data to draw conclusions
  • Compare everyday materials and objects on the basis of their material properties, including hardness, strength and flexibility


  • Compare how things move on different surfaces
  • Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of Gravity
  • Identify the effects of air resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces

The States Of Matter

  • Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases

This clip is an original animation designed especially for this show by Sean Cox Design.  We follow our two cartoon chatracters throughout the show to help us learn about different scientific principles. This  cartoon looks at Sir Issac Newton’s three laws of motion.

Expected outcomes

After watching the show Key stage 2 pupils should:

  • Recognise that science establishes rules and models which describe the world and enable us to predict future behaviour
  • Develop investigative skills in observation and making hypotheses
  • Know that forces make objects change their speed, direction or shape
  • Know that gravity is a force which attracts objects towards the Earth
  • Realise that similar objects of different masses fall at the same rate
  • Describe simple physical properties of some solid materials
To book this activity, please contact:
Science Made Simple

Science Made Simple
14-17 The Parade
CF24 3AA Cardiff United Kingdom

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