Subject Knowledge for Physics Teaching: Atomic Physics SK106

Explore the nuclear model, isotopes, ionisation, radiation, radioactive decay, & nuclear fission/fusion.


The blended learning course, delivered by The Ogden Trust, supports non-specialist teachers of physics to develop their subject knowledge and pedagogical approaches for teaching Atomic Physics at Key Stages 3 and 4.

Learning takes place over an 8-week period and includes the following:

  • Full day face-to-face session.
  • Two online webinars.
  • Supported online study, including activities and quizzes.
  • Face-to-face half day.

Topics covered include the nuclear model and its development, isotope characteristics and equations to represent changes, ionisation, emission and absorption of radiation, radioactive decay, nuclear fission, fusion and our Sun’s energy. Face to face days include required practicals.

This course is only available for teachers in England who have QTS and do not have a physics ITT qualification.


The SKPT blended learning CPD will:

  • develop teaching skills and confidence.
  • consider mathematical problem solving, conceptual challenges, practical work and pedagogical reflections.
  • Delivered in a supportive learning network.

On completion of the course teachers can complete a Subject Knowledge Award accredited by the Institute of Physics.

Email for further information or if you have any questions.

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