Our Solar System SY004
Participants will take a trip around the Solar System and a journey through time to increase their knowledge and understanding of planetary bodies and key events in the history of the Universe. Discover how the context of space can be used to deliver activities to enthuse and engage, enriching and supporting the STEM curriculum.
Construct a personal time line, going back in time to the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe and the birth of the planets. Sequence important events and calculate how long after the beginning of the Universe key events occurred. Learn about planetary rings and moons, asteroids and comets. Work scientifically, using scientific models and vocabulary to describe concepts. Finally discover future missions to the Solar system and beyond. Learn how to achieve the Primary Space Quality Mark and how the support of a STEM ambassador could enrich your pupils’ STEM skills.
Who is it for?
Primary teachers.
How long is this course?
90 minutes.
Recognise and describe planetary objects in the Solar System and beyond and sequence key events in the History of the Universe
Use the context of space, including animations and models, to deliver activities to support key areas of the STEM curriculum
Identify opportunities for developing children’s STEM skills and engaging with STEM ambassadors
Access resources on the ESA and ESERO-UK/STEM Learning websites