Key stage 3 computing for the non specialist teacher - remote CP445
For Key Stage 3 computing teachers who are new or existing to the subject. This CPD covers the key subject knowledge topics required to teach the computing Key Stage 3 programme of study.
Computing is a national curriculum foundation subject and a vital aspect of a broad and balanced curriculum for all learners. If you’re new, moving towards or an existing teacher of Key Stage 3 computing then this course will allow you to explore the subject knowledge required to confidently teach the Key Stage 3 programme of study.
The sessions within this course are designed to give you the subject knowledge around key topics such as algorithms, data representation, hardware and programming, whilst also exploring useful and engaging strategies for delivering this content in the classroom.
Book now and you will be automatically registered for the scheduled sessions for the course. Remote CPD courses have live, facilitator-led sessions and are not available for instant access. Please refer to the schedule of dates published for each course instance.
Who is it for?
This course is for prospective teachers of Key Stage 3 computing who may be new to the subject, or who may have taught computing in earlier years.
Prior Knowledge:
No prior experience or knowledge of computing is expected before attending this course. It is advised that you become familiar with the National Curriculum in Computing before participating.
Course units:
- 01 | Introduction & data representation - learn more about the computing Programme Of Study, the requirements at Key Stage 3 and how students may have progressed from earlier school years. Learn more about key hardware components inside the computer and how computers use binary, convert between binary and decimal values and how images are represented by a computer.
- 02 | Algorithms - explore what algorithms are and how they fit in with the Key Stage 3 programme, begin representing your own flowchart algorithms and learn how several search and sort algorithms function.
- 03 | Teaching algorithms - explore further how different search and sort algorithms work, whilst also designing your own unplugged approach to teaching algorithms in the classroom.
- 04 | Programming (Part 1) - learn the principle programming constructs required at Key Stage 3 including sequencing and selection, this session will begin using these constructs in a block based language before moving to a text based language.
- 05 | Programming (Part 2) - take the next steps with your programming knowledge by learning about iteration, in this session you will learn how to program both condition and count controlled loops in a block based language.
- 06 | Creating programs – using your knowledge from the previous programming sessions you will be supported to create your own computer programs.
How will you learn?
Scheduled live, interactive online sessions led by an experienced practitioner.
Flexible facilitator-supported, participant-led tasks, involving deep exploration of the subject content.
Do you prefer to learn in a classroom?
If so, take a look at:
Key stage 3 computing for the non specialist teacher
How long is the course?
This course is approximately five hours in duration, split across several days.
This course is delivered as part of the National Centre for Computing Education.
Participants will:
Understand why computers use binary and be able to convert between binary and decimal values
Understand what an algorithm is and how to represent them by using flowcharts
Be able to explain how search and sort algorithms work
Be able to use a block based programming language using constructs sequencing, selection and iteration