Cyber Centurion: a competition on cyber security CY303 / X01

Start date
2 Oct 23
1 Hour


Join us for a webinar to introduce Cyber Centurion; a cyber security competition open to 12 to 18 year olds in the UK and British Overseas Territories. Teams participate in a series of three online rounds in pursuit of a place in the National Finals, attempting to discover all the security vulnerabilities within various operating systems.

Securing systems equals high scores, but ill-fated changes or reduction in security can result in the undesired loss of points.

Students who take part benefit from a unique chance to develop their technical expertise as well as soft skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership – essential to succeeding in any role in cyber security today.

Who is the course leader?


Discover how your students can take part in Cyber Centurion

Learn how the Cyber Centurion competition  links to computing and careers

Understand the wider support available from ESERO-UK, NCCE and STEM Learning


Cyber Centurion Webinar02 October 202316:00-17:00Virtual

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Additional information

For courses at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. 


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