Summer Primary Conference Cumbria RA198 / B151

Start date
29 Jun 22
1 Day
The Queen Katherine School, Appleby Road, Kendal LA9 6PJ View on Google Map


DfE bursary of £100 available for Cumbria and Lancashire Schools please email for code before booking


The highly successful Science Learning Partnership  annual primary science conference is returning. It promises to be another unmissable CPD event designed to develop our young scientists.

Throughout the day there will be various new and informative taster workshops to choose from, including:


Key Note Rebecca Wright - Deep Dive The Ofsted Process


Tackling the Tricky Bit’s

By the end of this session you will be able to return to your classroom with increased confidence in teaching the ‘tricky’ aspects of the primary curriculum and plan ways to address common misconceptions.


An introduction to working scientifically

This session will be aimed at teachers with a need to understand working scientifically. The course will be centred around why it is important for pupils to develop their skills and will provide teachers with a toolkit for implementing working scientifically into lessons and the curriculum.


LEGO Serious Play. Playing with LEGO. Seriously – Fran Ward C-STEM

Children learn best when engaged in more fun, in more familiar territory like games and toys, connecting to different subjects with creative role-play and entertaining challenges that prompt them to make mistakes, experiment with new ideas and grow their resilience. Children can learn through play and bolster their skills in areas like art, science and technology and in the early stages of coding.


Engaging Learners

This session will focus on different strategies to engage learners within and outside of curriculum time including science capital, the careers agenda and pupil led investigations.


Subject Leaders

This professional development experience outlines the main elements that characterise the subject leader’s role. This is to help participants understand the all encompassing role of the science subject leader. Activities will explore the differences between a subject leader and co-ordinator. Through these discussions a shared vision of the role will be created.


Computing Hub

An update from your local Computing Hub including bursary and resources available.


For further information please email

Who is the course leader?


Primary bespoke support29 June 202209:00-15:30The Queen Katherine School

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£185.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£277.50 +VAT

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