Secondary science subject leader's network RC298 / B129


Secondary science subject leader's online meetings.  An opportunity to receive updates about science T&L, exams, Ofsted and other relevant information, and to share best practice with colleagues from across the West Midlands.

This package also includes a conference to take place in the Summer Term - date TBA.

Who is it for?

Secondary science leaders.

What topics are covered?

27th April - Assessment to Reduce Workload

This session will give you an opportunity to discuss key CPDfocus from research evidence and identify actions forimprovement plans that will impact on teaching and learning. Itwill provide resources to effectively lead a CPD session back inschool around effective assessment and the opportunity todiscuss with professional colleagues.

29th June - Reflecting on the past year and planning for next year

You will reflect on the evidence from your context and identifyevidence based strategies to support pupil progress in sciencein the year ahead. The session will facilitate reflection againstyour improvement priorities.

Date TBA in Summer Term - venue in West Midlands - full day conference based on needs analysis and current priorities in the educational landscape.

Who is the course leader?





Online network meeting27 April 202216:00-17:30Virtual
Gap Task28 April 202208:00-08:00Virtual
Online network meeting29 June 202216:00-17:30Virtual
Gap Task30 June 202208:00-08:00Virtual

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£150.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£300.00 +VAT

Additional information

Would you like this course delivered at your school? Contact to find out more.

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