Search and sort algorithms - remote CC430 / C03

Start date
8 Feb 21
5 Hours
Learning Method
Remote Delivered CPD


An understanding of algorithms is fundamental to success in GCSE computer science. To reach their full potential, students of GCSE computer science need to be confident in using decomposition and abstraction to solve problems.

Explore how each of the core search and sort algorithms function; exploring how they manipulate data structures and compare the relative efficiency of different methods.

Who is it for?

This course is for current or prospective teachers of GCSE computer science who have some understanding of computer science principles.

Prior knowledge:

You’ll need to understand the basic building blocks of algorithms, and how they are represented in pseudocode and flowcharts. If you’re looking for support with these topics, we recommend the Representing algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocode course. If you are entirely new to computer science, we recommend first participating in our one-day course: An introduction to algorithms, programming and data in GCSE computer science.

Course units:

  • 01 | Tracing algorithms – Learn how to effectively trace algorithms to understand how they work and whether they can be improved.
  • 02 | Practicing tracing algorithms – During this session you will have plenty of opportunity to practice your skills of tracing algorithms.
  • 03 | Search algorithms – Search algorithms allow you to retrieve data stored within a data structure, this session explores different search algorithms including binary and linear searches.
  • 04 | Comparing search algorithms – During this session you’ll compare different search algorithms, watching how they function using online simulators and comparing the efficiency of each algorithm.
  • 05 | Sort algorithms – Sort algorithms arrange data into a sequential order. This session explores how bubble, merge and insertion sorts work.

How will you learn?

Scheduled live, interactive online sessions led by an experienced practitioner. Flexible facilitator-supported, participant-led tasks, involving deep exploration of the subject content.

How long is the course?

This course is approximately five hours in duration, split across several days.

Recommended next steps:

To compliment this course we also have Representing algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocode available.

Do you prefer to learn in a classroom?

If so, take a look at:

Search and sort algorithms - face to face

This course is delivered as part of the National Centre for Computing Education.


You will:

  • Learn how algorithms manipulate data to achieve desired aims
  • Be able to hand-trace algorithms and debug them
  • Know the difference between different sort and search algorithms
  • Evaluate the suitability for different algorithms depending on the data to which they are applied


1 Search and sort algorithms - remote08 February 202116:00-17:00
3 Search and sort algorithms - remote10 February 202116:00-17:00
5 Search and sort algorithms - remote12 February 202116:00-17:00

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Included in your CPD subscription

Our remote CPD courses for teachers are delivered across a series of sessions run at specific times and dates. Information on all course sessions can be found under the description of each course. To complete a course, all sessions are mandatory.

Are you a state-funded Special School or PRU unit in England? You may be eligible for reduced course fees and even subsidies. Get in touch to check your eligibility and book your place directly. You can see our fees and subsidy information here.

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