National Practical Science Conference - TECHNICIANS RE606 / F03

Start date
2 Dec 20
5 Hours
Learning Method
Remote Delivered CPD


Join us for this Virtual National Science Practical Conference for science technicians over two afternoons (1 - 3.30pm).

The events we are proposing to happen on each afternoon are below (subject to change). We are thrilled that Simon Quinnell, ASE Chair Elect and CA Lead for PGCE at York University, has agreed to be our main presenter at both afternoons.

Wednesday 2nd December:

1 - 2pm Simon Quinnell: 'Health and Safety'

2 - 3pm Simon Quinnell: 'How to maintain your Prep room'

3 - 3.30pm Discussion and collating questions for next weeks session with CLEAPSS

Wednesday 9th December:

1 - 2pm Simon Quinnell: 'Technicians supporting practical work in class'

2 - 3pm Q and A with Jane Major from CLEAPSS

3 - 3.30pm Plenary with Teachers


Work towards successfully implementing the new skills and knowledge acquired. Describe and apply policies, procedures and actions that will lead to an effective and efficient technical service. Describe and explain safety implications and how to address them.


Technician Conference - afternoon 102 December 202013:00-15:30Virtual
Technician Conference - afternoon 209 December 202013:00-15:30Virtual




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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£50.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£75.00 +VAT

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