Primary STEM RB198 / A209

Start date
24 Feb 21
1 Hour
Virtual, Adobe Connect, Remote delivered CPD View on Google Map


Target Audience: Primary School Teachers/SLT, Governors & STEM Ambassadors

This hour is an introduction to STEM at a Primary Level. Why is it important to introduce STEM at KS1/2 and how can you do it?

We will take you through STEM facts, understanding how to engage at Primary Level and look at a range of ideas and free resources that are easy to engage with for non-STEM teaching staff. We will focus on how to deliver STEM through Literacy and Numeracy at a primary level.

You will also find out and meet a couple of STEM Ambassadors that work with Primary, and have the chance to ask them questions.

We will also give you a high level run through on the STEM Ambassador Programme and how to engage with our volunteers.



•         Understanding of STEM at Primary

•         Awareness of Primary specific resources

•         Understanding of the STEM Ambassador programme

•         Overview of other CPD that can support STEM at Primary Level.



Primary bespoke support24 February 202116:00-17:00Virtual

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Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity feeFree
State-funded school or collegeActivity feeFree

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