Formative assessment and remote learning NR202 / A20

Start date
5 Oct 20
3 Hours
Learning Method
Remote Delivered CPD


Assessment for learning is vital to determine the starting point of learners and their progress. This course will introduce strategies and tools to support assessment, to help identify misconceptions and to empower students to develop their own reflective skills.

This course consists of two facilitator led sessions with a task to be completed in-between the sessions.


You will be able to:

  • identify the learning strategies used with remote delivery to elicit student preconceptions and misconceptions
  • reflect on how the use of formative assessment tools with remote delivery can meet students' learning needs
  • explore strategies students can use to reflect on and improve their learning


1 Formative assessment and remote learning05 October 202016:00-17:00Virtual
3 Formative assessment and remote learning08 October 202016:00-17:00Virtual

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£150.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£150.00 +VAT

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