Planning and Delivering a Remote Science Lesson RX026 / B04

Start date
26 Jun 20
5 Hours
Online Course


Develop the skills required to deliver remote science lessons in an effective and engaging way for your learners. You will have opportunity to consider the most effective ways of using the technology available and will be able to practise and reflect on mapping your existing lessons towards remote delivery


You will be able to:

  • understand and access the technology available for remote learning
  • consider the most effective ways to deliver remote science lessons
  • practise delivery of remote science lessons and plan for the future


2 Planning and Delivering a Remote Science Lesson30 June 202014:00-15:00Virtual
4 Planning and Delivering a Remote Science Lesson03 July 202014:00-15:00Virtual
5 Planning and Delivering a Remote Science Lesson07 July 202014:00-15:00Virtual


This course is fully funded to participants from maintained schools in England. If you are from an independent school or from an organisation outside of England then you will be charged £150.

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Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity feeFree
State-funded school or collegeActivity feeFree

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