Representing algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocode CD220 / E01

Start date
30 Mar 20
1 Day
Exeter Mathematics School, Rougemont House, Exeter EX4 3PU View on Google Map



An understanding of algorithms is vital for success in GCSE computer science. Students need to know how algorithms are designed to solve a problem, and how these designs are represented to other humans.

Improve your knowledge of algorithms to the level appropriate for GCSE teaching. Become confident in using the key building blocks of sequence, selection and iteration, and learn to apply algorithmic thinking. See what’s expected for GCSE examinations by different awarding bodies, and understand how to construct or trace pseudocode and flowchart representations of algorithms.

Who is it for?

This course is for current or prospective teachers of GCSE computer science with some understanding of computer science fundamentals.

Prior knowledge

You’ll need to know some basic concepts and terminology to access this GCSE-level subject knowledge enhancement. If you are entirely new to computer science, we recommend first participating in our one-day course, An introduction to algorithms, programming and data in GCSE computer science. 

  • Course units
    • 01 | Core concepts – get to grips with the fundamentals of algorithms by exploring sequencing, selection, iteration.
    • 02 | Flowcharts - Learn how to read and write flowcharts, which can be used to represent algorithms.
    • 03 | Pseudocode – learn how to read and write pseudocode, and use these to represent a range of algorithms.
  • How will you learn?

You’ll engage with active learning in groups including direct instruction, hands-on activities and challenge-based learning. Examination practice with guidance linked to the specific requirements of the main awarding bodies. The course will model teaching approaches that can be taken back to the classroom.

  • How long is the course?

This is a one-day course which consists of five hours of teaching time.

  • Recommended next steps

This course forms part of the Computer Science Accelerator Programme. To fully prepare you for teaching algorithms at GCSE level, we also recommended the one-day course, Searching and sorting algorithms.













You will:

  • Learn the key building blocks of algorithms to be executed using a computer.
  • Analyse problems and design algorithmic solutions.
  • Represent algorithms using pseudocode and flowcharts.
  • Gain confidence in tracing and improving algorithms.
  • Take away activities and teaching practice to use in your classroom.


1 Representing algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocode30 March 202010:00-16:00Exeter Mathematics School

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