TechNET HEaTED Network Event HE001 / F09

Start date
5 Mar 20
1 Day
Queen Mary University Of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS View on Google Map


Technical Staff, Technical Managers, Technical Team Leaders (inclusive of core, research, BSU, estates and IT colleagues in the technical community) from HE and FE Institutions across the London and South East area.  Queen Mary University of London Professional Service staff with an interest in technician development are also welcome to attend.  

The HEaTED Regional Network meeting provides a forum for discussion, networking, tours of facilities and communication between technical staff, technical mangers and interested Professional Service colleagues.  The event promotes training events, the sharing of knowledge, skills and best practice among technical colleagues and increases the awareness of the opportunities and facilities provided by HEaTED and all members institutions.  Queen Marys will be using this event to launch and promote TechNET. 









10.15 -10.40

Registration tea and coffee



10.35 – 10.45


Stephen Franey, HEaTED Reagional network lead

GC Peston Lecture Theatre

10.45 – 11.00


Colin Bailey

GC Peston Lecture Theatre


Intro to Tech Commitment, where we are and Q&A

Anne Parry supported by Steering Group

GC Peston Lecture Theatre

11.20 - 12

TechNET and Sharepoint and post it note brainstorming session on what QMUL staff would like to get out of TechNET

Natalie Ludgate and Kate Thornton facilitated by Steering Group

GC Peston Lecture Theatre

12.00 – 1.00

Lunch and Suppliers Exhibition


GC Foyer

1.00 – 2.30

Breakout Sessions on Professional Registration, Mental Health First Aid, Mentoring and Sustainability. 


GC Peston Lecture GC201




2.30 – 3.30

Campus tours of technical areas



3.30 – 3.55

HEaTED session

Suhel Miah

GC Peston Lecture Theatre

3.55 -4.00

Close feedback and goody bags

Anne Parry

GC Peston Lecture Theatre


Please note this is a preliminary Agenda and may be subject to minor changes


TechNET HEaTED Network Event 05 March 202010:15-16:00Queen Mary University Of London


Lunch and refreshments are provided. 

“I’ve found HEaTED networking events a valuable source of ideas and knowledge. To meet, talk to and network with fellow Technicians from other universities and colleges is always a good thing. It never ceases to surprise me, how much we have in common and how much we can help each other now matter what your subject area is.”

Lawrence Woolston, University of Suffolk, Technician Manager, School of Arts, Design and Humanities

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