Cascading stylesheets 101: yellow belt HC042 / A21
This class provides the web professional with the ability to control the rendering, e.g. fonts, colours, leading, margins, typefaces, and other aspects of style of a Web document without compromising its structure using Cascading Style Sheets. Using common desktop publishing terminology, Cascading Style Sheets makes it easy for professional as well as untrained designers to make use of its features.
This course covers CSS fundamentals with CSS3 properties, CSS introduction, CSS boxes and CSS selectors , text formatting in CSS, more CSS selectors and selection, CSS positioning, more on CSS page layout, cascade, precedence, specificity and inheritance in CSS, CSS layers and translucency and using CSS in the real world
Attendees should have a working knowledge of HTML.
Sufficient supporting material will be provided so that you can return to your work place with confidence to permit further learning.
Date | Time | Location | |
Cascading stylesheets 101: yellow belt | 21 January 2016 | 09:30-16:30 | Academy Class |
heated member | Activity fee£447.30 +VAT |
heated non-member | Activity fee£497.00 +VAT |
Participants from outside the UK will be charged the course fee and an additional £120 per day plus VAT.
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