Teaching and learning skills for technical staff HC001 / E03

Start date
22 Aug 17
2 Days
Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT View on Google Map


Technical staff are increasingly taking on teaching and demonstrating roles. Whether it is one-to-one training on specific techniques, or small group training and demonstrating, this course will equip you with the tools you need to perform this role and contribute more effectively to the student experience. This course is recommended for technical staff with a role in training or teaching undergraduates, postgraduates, post-docs, new colleagues and apprentices.  The content of the course has been designed to cover key topics, linking theories of teaching and learning together with workplace experiences thereby providing a more holistic approach to learning. It is relevant to all academic disciplines and will promote personal and professional development, which is valuable to both you and your employer.

Delivery will be by informal active learning sessions (group activities/discussion), discovery learning, reflection on current practice. Discovery learning forms a large part of this programme and as such collaboration amongst participants to discuss core concepts and reflect on current practice is actively encouraged in order to create a more tailored learning experience.



The two day course will cover:

  • knowing your learner: inclusion, assessing learning needs and learning styles
  • communicating with learners: language, jargon, professionalism, effective questioning, feedback and body language
  • structuring your training: modelling a session, what makes a good teaching and learning experience, timing and content, useful solutions to difficult questions, outcomes and how you assess them
  • reflecting on your own delivery style and methods
  • teaching and learning strategies
  • inclusive learning environments
  • facilitating group learning
  • types and methods of assessment



Teaching and learning skills for technical staff22 August 201709:20-16:00Anglia Ruskin University


Lunch and refreshments are included in the course fee.

Substantial group discounts of 15% to 25% per person are available when eight to ten delegates attend from a single member institution. For further information or to arrange for this course to run at your own venue please contact us at admin@heated.ac.uk and we would be happy to discuss your requirements.

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heated memberActivity fee£350.00 +VAT
heated non-memberActivity fee£450.00 +VAT

Participants from outside the UK will be charged the course fee and an additional £120 per day plus VAT.

Outside the UK? Fee information

Additional information

Would you like this course delivered at your school? Contact enquiries@stem.org.uk to find out more.

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