Myscience is pleased to confirm the dates for the next three Science Learning Partnerships' Development Days:
Tuesday 11 November 2014
Wednesday 11 February 2015
Wednesday 22 April 2015
The key aim of the events is for SLPs to share effective strategies and practices nationally and challenge the different approaches so as to improve the effectiveness of SLPs across the country. The need for these events has arisen from SLPs asking to share their practice nationally and as a result of the key messages from the external evaluation carried out across the regional network.
The content of these events needs to be driven by a mixture of needs from the different players in the model and we are keen to work with SLPs, RDLs and Regional Operators to structure the aims, outcomes and content of these events. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact your Regional Operator or myself.
Many thanks for your work in establishing and developing SLPs.