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Analysis of the GCSE and A level results 2015

The National Science Learning Network has analysed the recent GCSE and A level results. Please find them below.

 • For those of you not as familiar with how the results are analysed, we also provided the following helpful information.

Q: How is the percentage of pupils taking the exams worked out? e.g. 14.4% of students taking Mathematics exams.

A: The only data available is for the number of GCSE entries as a whole, so the percentages relate to the number of GCSE entries, not just the number of GCSE entries for Maths. So in 2015, 14.4% of GCSE exam entries were for Mathematics, compared to about 7% for GCSE Biology. As school level data will not be available for a while, it isn't possible to compare entries in different schools or even to know which GCSEs individual students took at this time, hence the only data available is the big picture. If there was no change in the proportion of pupils taking Mathematics, then the % entry figure should be the same as last year - even if the cohort size went up. So an increase indicates that more students are taking Maths GCSE than last year, a decrease indicates the opposite...if the figures are larger, more students selected that subject but that is as far as we can go.

The 14.4% maths entry probably suggest that the number of students taking maths is close to the cohort size and students take an average of 6+ GCSE's - but again only probably as we don't have detailed data yet.





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