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HPQ Physics: KS3: Space: S Thaw

What causes day and night?

A: The Earth goes around the Sun once every day

B: The Earth spins and completes one turn a day

C: At night the Moon is in front of the Sun and blocks light

D: The Sun goes around the Earth

I would use this at the beginning of the topic to find out about their ideas. The misconceptions were taken from the IOP Supporting physics teaching files. I would use a class demo to illustrate the correct answer (B).




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AfL Support (not verified)

Dear aegilopoides,

Really nice question! Do you think you could use this as inspiration:

and come up with a similar question about the causes of the seasons?


pbrowning (not verified)

Sorry - messed up there - used the wrong account and the wrong URL! Let's try that again:

Dear aegilopoides,

Really nice question! Do you think you could use this as inspiration:

and come up with a similar question about the causes of the seasons?



Sergio Fabbri (not verified)

This explains why some teachers say the same awful mistake to children... (Believe me, happened to my daughter when she was eight). :-(


aegilopoides (not verified)

Thanks for the feedback and the clip about the seasons - will have a go :)

pbrowning (not verified)


Thanks for the feedback and the clip about the seasons - will have a go :)


Dear aegilopoides,

Perhaps it was the news that a leap second will be added on June 30th and so if, as the article claims, there are indeed Time Lords at the Earth Orientation Center of the International Earth Rotation Service, what's them to stop them changing the tilt of the Earth's rotation? Hence, my suggestion for a HPQ about the seasons:

The Time Lords have decreed that the tilt (currently 24o) of the Earth's rotation will be doubled. As someone who lives in London (latitude 52oN), how will this effect you? More than one option may be correct.

A. At some points in the year the sun will never set
B. I will see the aurora more often
C. It won't; although the Earth is in an elliptical orbit around the Sun the maximum and minimum radii are very close
D. My climate will become more extreme
E. Sea-level will fall
F. It won't; my climate is determined ultimately by energy from the Sun which hasn't changed

Having written so many options I'm already deciding that this is not perhaps a good HPQ. But maybe it will provide some inspiration for someone else?


Sergio Fabbri (not verified)

Dear aegilopoides and pbrowning

even though I teach students of subsequent stage KS4, I think that perhaps this question could be more appropriate for an intentional questioning, because pupils from 11 to 13 need presumably more time to evaluate all options available than few seconds as HPQ should commonly need.

Nevertheless, pbrowining, I'm sure students like very much these types of question, considered - particularly if male students - they are normally inspired by sci-fi situations. 

Thank you for such an interesting discussion. Now I have to go... I'm afraid the Earth's axis is tilting more and more... :-)
