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Smile and the world smiles with you

Published: Mar 19, 2015 1 min read

Stephen Lyon

Mathematics Lead

National STEM Learning Centre

Smile and the world smiles with you’ so the saying goes. At the National STEM Centre we have something to bring a smile to the faces of mathematics teachers in primary and secondary schools up and down the country.

Visit the eLibrary and explore the wealth of resources produced by the Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment or SMILE. There are two collections, SMILE Mathematics Books and SMILE Cards.

‘Experienced’ mathematics teachers will smile fondly as they recall their favourite activity from the collection of SMILE cards. The cards are now repackaged into themed collections based upon the SMILE networks. Spend a happy half hour browsing the new SMILE card collection yourself then share your finds with a colleague and bring a smile to their face.

As an added bonus the Secondary Mathematics Resources group each will be featuring additional SMILE cards which do not appear in the networks collection building another set of resources to bring a smile to your face!