Big Picture online resource collection
Explore our collection of quality-assured resources to give you ideas and inspiration for your post-16 biology lessons. Each topic contains a selection of videos, posters and activities to help you bring your lessons to life.
The cell
Videos, presentations and lesson plans covering most aspects of cell biology for post-16 students.
Drug development
Investigate the role of pharmaceuticals in modern life and where we might go in the future.
Find out what fats and lipids do, not just inside us and other organisms, but in the world around us.
Genes, genomes and health
Explore how science can help us to understand our genes and genetic identity.
Health and climate change
Investigate climate change and what can be done to minimise the risks.
Immune system
Articles, posters and activities to help you learn about health and the immune system.
Inside the brain
Explore how imaging research has changed the way we look inside the brain.
Number crunching
A range of articles explaining how data and statistics can help us to understand the world.
Information and activities to help you investigate flowering plants and their uses.
Learn about how populations grow, change and move, and why understanding them is so important.
Explore how proteins carry messages around our bodies, support the immune system and catalyse chemical reactions.
Space biology
Looks at life in space from several perspectives: how it began and the effects of space as an extreme habitat.