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Showing results for "stem careers"
Showing 2091 results
The STEM Careers Toolkit for Careers Leaders in secondary schools and colleges is filled with creative ideas and practical suggestions on how to build STEM specific content into your careers strategy.
Produced by the Department for Education, these resources contain a range of support materials for those involved in the delivery of information, advice and guidance (IAG) in STEM-related areas.
These reports, from the Centre for Science Education, describe outcomes from the STEM Subject Choice and Careers project. The project was able to draw on a range of creative resources and products that can enthuse young people and support teachers and career advisers....
This survey template can be used to gather student opinions on science and mathematics in primary schools.
This student survey can be used to measure student attitudes towards the STEM subjects and their interest in careers in the STEM sector.
It is also a useful 'before and after' tool for measuring the impact of activities such as off-timetable days or STEM...
Use this poster to help your students to see how their experiences in and out of lessons will support them on their STEM career journey.
Published in August 2013 by the The National STEM Learning Centre and Network, the aim of this research project was to identify the range of factors that shape senior leadership team decisions with regards to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)...
This interactive quiz gives students the opportunity to find a role to suit them on a mission to Mars. Provided as part of the ‘Roving with Rosalind’ resources, this quiz will give students the chance to reflect on whether they think a career in the space exploration industry would suit them.
This guide, from triple science support, has been produced to provide advice and guidance for teachers wishing to incorporate careers activities into the scheme of work. The guide offers background information and practical suggestions to support classroom practice. Before you start to plan your activity, it is...
This series of...
This resource from the Department for Education provides some useful tips on how to organise a successful STEM careers day: from contacting your local STEM broker and organising exciting activities to involving sixth formers and STEM local employers.
Linking Careers to the STEM Curriculum is a careers resource aimed at teachers of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics. It offers immediate ideas to try, longer term solutions and resource recommendations for linking careers to lessons.
This guide will help you to:
...Support from employers is a vital part of all young people’s careers education.
This employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers...
Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of landscape ecologist, Amy Eycott. Through investigating habitats and biodiversity, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in ecology and biology...
This report looks at how classroom teaching be improved to enhance students’ learning of STEM subjects and improve the uptake of STEM careers. The report draws out key points of interest for senior leaders.
The Ingenious project successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect...