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Showing results for "stem careers"
Showing 2091 results
Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of plant research scientist, Jess Chu. Through investigating vitamin C in plants, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in plant biology.
...This digest of the InGenious project has been produced for policymakers, and looks at how classroom teaching can be improved to enhance students’ learning of STEM subjects and improve the uptake of STEM careers.
This report looks at developing classroom teaching to enhance students’ learning of the STEM subjects and improve the uptake of STEM careers.
Teachers and employers taking part in the Ingenious Project prepared, either jointly, or separately, 35 classroom activities whose purpose was to place learning within...
The 2006 STEM Programme Report led to a significant government investment in STEM education, the STEM Programme. A key part of this Programme was to bring together industry and education to provide high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance for STEM subjects. This work comprised several...
This publication, from Warwick University, reports on the STEM Careers Awareness Timeline Pilot. The Timeline project seeks to establish how schools can embed a more systematic programme of careers awareness into the existing subject curriculum. The report gives emerging findings from working with stakeholders and...
Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of conservation biotechnologist, Jonathan Kendon. Through investigating the effects of human activity on the environment, students gain a greater understanding of the career...
Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of the plant biologist, Julian Ma. Through seeing how natural and genetically-modified plants can produce medicines, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities...
Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of product manager, James Seymour. Through investigating organic food crops and horticulture, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in plant...
Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of plant research scientist, Beverley Glover. Through activities based around plant adaptations, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in plant...
This collection contains a selection of resources highlighting STEM Careers case studies in engineering.
Produced by Rolls-Royce, the associated resources in this toolkit help students to make the connection between STEM subjects studied in school or college and possible future career opportunities. The materials illustrate the really exciting opportunities which open up to them through studying STEM subjects. The...
Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this document describes a project to improve STEM careers information, advice and guidance in the Post-16 sector. Detailed case studies from this project can be seen in the corresponding collection Progression Through...
Designed to raise awareness of a greater range of STEM careers for post-16 students, t...
This digest evaluates a project which aimed to increase young people’s involvement in STEM careers. The Ingenious project successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect change in the interest students display in STEM careers and increase their likelihood of taking up such careers...
This digest of the InGenious project has been produced for industry and employers. It describes how InGenious has successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect change in the interest students display in STEM careers and increase their likelihood of taking up such careers when they...