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Showing results for "Mathematics"

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Primary mathematics series from the early 1970s which incorporated some elements from everyday life.

This Alpha Mathematics resource, published by Schofield & Sims, was developed to cater for students of good average or above average ability who, after training, would be able to work individually, or in groups, with the minimum of help from the class teacher. It was designed to be implemented as a tutorial...

This collection of Beta Mathematics resources, published by Schofield & Sims, was developed to cater for students of average or below average ability many of whom may have had reading difficulties. The course is covered at a slower pace than the Alpha Mathematics series. It also utilises suitable apparatus and...

The Low Attainers in Mathematics Project (LAMP) was one of three post-Cockcroft, Department of Education and Science (DES) studies related to low attainers. The Project was based at the Mathematics Centre, West Sussex Institute of Higher Education (WSIHE).


This Nuffield exploration encourages students to set and test their own hypotheses following the experience of collecting primary data from a local graveyard or cemetery.

The key processes in this exploration are :...

Operational Research (O.R.) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. The O.R. approach often involves constructing and using mathematical models and problem structuring methods to represent the wide range of problems faced by organisations. The results of these models...

A substantial part of this Nuffield Advanced Mathematics option was about algorithms. Students used calculators, or computers with a structured programming language, to turn algorithms into programs. They were introduced to various aspects of discrete mathematics and,...

This collection of resources is produced by the Core Maths Support Programme to support the implementation of Core Maths. The collection contains a range of activities all designed to enable students to use and apply discrete mathematics in unfamiliar contexts.

Enterprising Mathematics, produced by the Spode Group, is a collection of problems designed to encourage mathematics to be taught through real life situations for example: sports, money and travel.

Each chapter begins...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

Ergodic maths is a fairly new branch of mathematics which concerns itself with repeated processes and some of the basic theorems are introduced here.

The activity is designed to explore aspects of the subject which...

Planning a Kitchen: SMILE card 1310 is a booklet which requires students to design a...

HBJ Mathematics addresses the curriculum in an unique way:

It presents mathematics through a thematic approach.

The mathematics is set in a familiar context.

It highlights cross-curricular opportunities.

The work is activity-based, with students being asked to respond to challenges and...

The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) was created to support and improve achievement in the Further Education and Skills sector in England.

This collection contains a range of materials called 'Mathematical Moments' aimed at supporting teaching and learning in mathematics. The resources...

Mathematics begins (1967) is a revised and enhanced version of the Circle series ‘Beginnings' produced by the Nuffield Mathematics Project. As with the earlier guide it is concerned with students in their first few years at school and how their experiences of life gradually extend their mathematical thinking....
