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Produced for Future Morph, these resources contain a video in which a student talks about her apprenticeship course in electrical installation at Exeter college. She describes the entry qualifications needed for her course, contrasts her experiences at college compared to school and briefly mentions health and...

Produced for Future Morph, this resource contains a video in which an apprentice plumber talks about his work in a renewable energy company installing solar water panels. The theory and practicals he learns in college is applied in the workplace. A second activity looks at a demonstration that illustrates the...

Produced for Future Morph, this video sees an apprentice in service engineering talk about his work. Service engineers are mechanical engineers who work on equipment such as engines and gearboxes. The student describes how his attendance at college fits with his job in an engineering business and allows him to...

In this activity developed by the Institute of Physics, students model the motion of a planet around a star and investigate how day and night and seasons may be different on other planets. Working in pairs or small groups, students demonstrate night and day and seasons to each other. They can then go on to model...

From the Institute of Physics, this topic looks at basic electrical ideas, particularly current, potential difference and energy. The topic is split into teaching episodes. These are self-contained activities of varying time periods. The topics in this section include:

Episode 101:...

From the Institute of Physics, these activities allow students to understand the idea of electric charge and its relationship to a flow of current. There are a range of activities and these include: • using an analogy to represent the movement of charge • defining current and the coulomb • calculations to show the...

From the Institute of Physics, these activities present a range of examples involving different types of charge carrier and links the measured current to rates of flow of charge. The activities consist of a series of demonstrations which could be set up before the lesson. These include: • considering different...

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode shows that charge carriers in good conductors usually move very slowly. It illustrates the derivation and use of the equation I = nAvq.

A range of activities include:
• viewing the movement of permanganate ions in an electric field

This activity from the Institute of Physics discusses energy transfer in electric circuits and links this, by analogy, to other more familiar examples.

The activities include:
• demonstrations of human and lemon-powered batteries to illustrate that that there is nothing special about the chemical...

From the Institute of Physics, in this learning episode, students calculate electrical power and through discussion, review their understanding of: • current • potential difference • electromotive force (emf) • charge • drift velocity Students are reminded of the idea that power is the rate of doing work (or the...

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode provides a quantitative definition for resistance (R = V / I) which reinforces the qualitative notion that more resistance means less current. It looks at Ohm’s law, describing that this is not the same thing as the definition of resistance.


In these activities, from the Institute of Physics, the concept of electrical power is explored. Students find that the energy transferred by an electrical component depends on the potential difference, current and the time for which it operates.


From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode links Kirchhoff’s circuit laws to the conservation of charge and energy. Students can verify the laws experimentally and use them to solve simple circuit problems.


Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode can be used to revises the idea of electromotive force (emf), introduce internal resistance and the consequent energy losses.

The activities include:

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode helps students to distinguish alternating from direct currents before revising why alternating current (ac) is so important.

The range of activities include...
