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Produced by ARKive, this series of activities teaches students about endangered species through the creation of an interactive museum.

The ARKive School Museum presentation looks at examples of endangered species and explains the concept of an ARKive School Museum. Students then research an endangered...

Produced by ARKive, this series of activities teaches students about endangered species through the creation of an interactive museum. Children learn about endangered species through the ARKive School Museum presentation and then choose an endangered species to research. They then produce an exhibit by creatively...

These materials are designed to teach students aged 11 to 14 about the variety of habitats worldwide and the diversity of species found in each habitat. The activity also highlights topics including interdependence, adaptation and how species evolve specialised features. Working in groups, students are allocated a...

A collection of resources, from the SYCD Primary CD, exploring 'How Science Works' in everyday life and developing scientific vocabulary and understanding. The major resources are: *Reporting science - a unit which provides an opportunity for pupils to develop their writing, speaking and listening skills through...

A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating the use of metals to kill germs in the treatment of wounds.

'Silver Pants' is a humorous take on a modern application of ancient technology - using metals to kill germs. Smith & Nephew have developed a posh...

How do messages get passed from the brain around the body? This video explains how action potential works.

From Teachers TV this video, part of the Science Tube series, examines forces in action, what they do and how they can be measured using a Newton meter.

There are four sections that each look at different forces....

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the skeletal and muscular systems of the body, such as the mechanics of how the body moves, using London’ s sporting and active life as a stimulus.They will learn about the levels and types of exercise that support good health and how that varies from person...

This Nuffield Combined Science activities pack provided student booklets; one for each of the first five sections of the course. These booklets were not intended to be used as ordinary text books.


This Nuffield Combined Science Activities Pack provided student booklets; one for each of the last five sections of the course. These booklets were not intended to be used as ordinary text books.


This activity includes a quiz and fact file describing the use of fingerprints for identification and processes of DNA profiling.

Also Included is The forensic use of bioinformation - resources for teachers which contains:

  • curriculum links
  • lesson plans
  • teaching notes
  • ...

This activity explores the ethical issues involved in the forensic use of bioinformation. It gives clear summaries of the judgement in a European Court of Human Rights case and of the rights and freedoms set down for all in the European Convention on Human Rights. An activity card gives statements that can be used...

This resource provides several case study scenarios for students to discuss, including questions to consider. It also gives a summary of changes in the law with regard to bioinformation.

Also included is The forensic use of bioinformation - resources for teachers which contains:

  • curriculum links...

This Nuffield Council on Bioethics resource explores the purpose of different types of research and testing and why they are used. Students are required to work in either groups or as a whole class. The resource includes a lesson plan for the teacher.

This Nuffield Council on Bioethics investigates the levels of severity of procedures. It also investigates the ways in which data is collected during animal experiments. Students are asked to work in groups or as a whole class to develop skills in analysing information to build an argument. The resource includes a...
