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This activity, using the theme of the London Marathon, introduces the idea of creating a route map, highlighting the key landmarks, as a graphic product. The activity has cross-curricular links to geography and history.

This is one of a set of resources designed to allow pupils to use seasonal themes to support the delivery of key topics within design and technology, maths and science. This activity introduces the concept and making of nets, in the context of a lantern for Ramadan that can be used to decorate a room. Nets can be...

This is one of a set of resources designed to allow pupils to use seasonal themes to support the delivery of key topics within design and technology, maths and science. This activity introduces the concept and use of templates, in the context of a moon and star decoration for Ramadan that can be used to decorate a...

In this resource from the IET pupils design, make and decorate their own advent calendar then evaluate their creations. The resources provided include full lesson guidance, a PowerPoint presentation, as well as a wordsearch to strengthen understanding of key vocabulary.

In this resource from the IET, children use a net to make their own Christmas crackers and hats. The resource also includes a word challenge and spot the difference activity.

In this cross curricular activity, children learn about light and shadows by creating shadow puppets which tell the story of a myth or legend. Teacher’s notes provide a step by step guide to creating the shadow puppets, showing how to create moving parts; it also shows how to set up a shadow theatre to tell the...

The mission of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is to gather and apply knowledge, improve understanding and predict the behaviour of the natural environment and its resources. It was established in 1965.

NERC funds and manages research and training in earth system science, advancing knowledge...

This project allows students to think positively and creatively about different visions of the future. The activities are designed to celebrate human ingenuity rather than apportion blame or induce guilt. Specifically students are challenged to rethink a sustainable future based on the principles of closed loop...

This project allows students to consider the nature of games and sports in depth. What are the characteristics of games that make them enjoyable to play and watch? How can games be redesigned for different participants and different occasions? How can kit and equipment be designed to improve performance?


Nuffield 11-14 cross-curricular STEM Projects encourage students to develop the skills to explore questions in depth using science, mathematics and design & technology. The projects are set in authentic STEM contexts which leads to a better understanding of how these disciplines (along with engineering) work...

This 'unplugged' activity by Barefoot Computing, introduces pattern recognition and the idea that algorithms can be repurposed. Cooking recipes are analysed to find parts that are common to more than one. Reusable parts are then borrowed to create new recipes which the children share with the class. Additional...

From the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB...

This activity aims to help children understand the range of foods eaten in other cultures and communities, to try new foods and to perform simple food skills safely such as spreading, cutting with scissors, tearing and grating to make their own pizza. This session contains a lesson plan, an advice sheet to support...

This resource, aimed at primary learners, links mathematics, art and science. Children explore how how the number of pixels affects an image and how images from space have become clearer as technology has advanced. They then...

From the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), these activities help to enhance the Listening and Attention and Understanding the World areas of the EYFS curriculum. These activities will help children to discuss where food comes from and have a...
