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This video features Chris Clemente, from Cambridge University, who is studying the mechanisms that ants and other insects (especially cockroaches) use to walk down as well as up walls. Ants have incredibly sticky feet.

With them they can hang onto ceilings, whilst carrying 100 times their body weight. But if...


In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

Students who refuse to follow instructions are among the most...


This video introduces the idea that engineers are working on solutions to help people. "Engineering makes a...


This video explores how technology has always been expected to replace teachers.  It concludes that a teacher’s purpose is not to transmit information, but to guide the social process of learning. To challenge, inspire and excite their students to want to learn.


This video is a message to ESERO-UK from European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake. He talks about studying STEM subjects and how he became an astronaut. The video includes images of a launch, Tim engaging in various astronaut training exercises and the International Space Station, where Tim will be for six months...

Kamlah Kew focuses on traffic lights - designing the layout, changing timings and checking the signals work properly. Tomorrow’s Engineers spoke to Kamlah and she told us about how she loves combining her creative and practical skills to make a difference to people’s lives every day.

