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Showing results for "Early Year mathematics"

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A study published in 2016 in Educational Researcher looks at the profile of science achievement gaps to the age of 14. The researchers used data from the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study,
Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K), which followed 7,757 children from kindergarten (Year 1) to eighth...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school used a combination of identifying potential triple science students as early as Year Eight with student perspectives on the triple science courses and their reasons for choosing it.

The case study includes some background information about...

This resource, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, looks at what information we can gather by viewing (but not visiting) different parts of the universe. 


These resources have been provided by Mathematical Education on Merseyside who have been running Challenge and Senior Challenge, take-home competitions for February half term, since the late 1970s.

These challenges are aimed at students aged between 11 and 14 years. Each challenge consists of about eight...

These senior challenges from Mathematical Education on Merseyside were first produced as take home competitions aimed at students age between 14 and 16.

Each of these yearly challenges contains about eight questions covering a wide range of mathematical topics set within problem solving or puzzle activities...


The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) developed the Year Seven Progress Tests as a measure of progress over the year from Key Stage 2, at one point all students that did not attain a level four in the Key Stage Two tests could take these tests, which covered...

Linked to the topic of seasons this resource contains a selection of posters depicting the months of year and a child wearing the correct clothes for each season. The posters are ideal to use when discussing different weather conditions with children in early years or lower primary school.

This resource has...

This article from an Early Years edition of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) online magazine describes how to use a digital camera to produce a scavenger hunt for early years students.


The Nature Year Collection is a 12-book set that contains a book for each month as it tells the story of amazing wildlife around the world. With beautiful illustrations, each book features a detailed narrative providing a description and explanation of each month's major events. 

This collection of resources provide a cross-curricular project for younger children, which supports learning in D&T, science, mathematics and English. Children are set the challenge of setting up their own yoghurt café. They work through a series of activities in which they design and make a logo for their...

Carom is an extra-curricular maths club which operates at Paston College in Norfolk. Jonny Griffiths has developed these materials to provide the opportunity for students to explore different aspects of mathematics which will also broaden their skills and encourage them...

This collection of resources provide a cross-curricular project for younger children, which supports learning in D&T, science, mathematics and English. Children are set the challenge of setting up their own pizza business. Using this context,  they work through a series of activities in which they design and...

Carom is an extra-curricular maths club which operates at Paston College in Norfolk. Jonny Griffiths has developed these materials to provide the opportunity for students to explore different aspects of mathematics which will also broaden their skills and encourage them...

This project allows children to set up a farm shop business and design, make and market a new lunchtime food product. It provides a range of opportunities to enhance Year 3 National Curriculum for:

