Resources by Subtangent

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Broken Calculator

Is it possible to use a 'broken calculator' in this activity to make a given set of numbers?

Students are required to show how they would use each calculator to generate the numbers from one to twenty.

Colouring Maps

This activity from Subtangent is based on the four colour theory, which is used by mapmakers. Resources include examples of colouring maps correctly, together with additional challenges, which cover a range of ability, for students to try themselves. Solutions for the challenges are also provided.


These investigations from Subtangent help to develop a systematic approach but require students to use their own recording methods. They can be used as a whole class introduction to an investigation or as individual tasks. As these investigations are open ended and students can make their own decisions as to the...

Maths Wordsearch

This Subtangent wordsearch resource provides the opportunity to reinforce topic specific spelling and the terminology used across the mathematical curriculum.

The number of words to be found varies, although most of...

Number Stairs

This Subtangent investigation looks at the total of the squares inside a stair shape.

Initially students investigate the relationship of the totals of a three step stair and its position on a 10 by 10 grid.



Subtangent's resources for mathematics include different types of isometric grids which can be printed, a set of lesson starter activities, a variety of worksheets to practice arithmetic skills and graph paper with axes and different quadrants labelled, all of which can be printed freely.

The lesson starters...

Starters and Puzzles

Subtangent has provided 30 starters and puzzles along with a version of forbidden words, a game where a student has to select a card and communicate a given word to others without using any of the forbidden words written on the card.


Dotty grids, square grids, different types of graph paper and axes and number grids in different orientations make up this collection of printable resources from Subtangent.


Subtangent is a website of free interactive mathematics resources. This collection includes interactive investigations, games activities to test mathematical knowledge and resources for printing. The majority of the resources are suitable for Key Stages Two to Four. Some would be useful as whole class introductions...

Transformation golf

In this interactive golf game from Subtangent the player has to get the ball in the hole by choosing the most effective geometric transformations to beat the target score for each hole.

There are two versions of the...


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