Resources by Royal Academy of Engineering

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Displaying 81 - 90 of 186

Pinhole photography

This resource provides the instructions for making a pinhole camera, taking a photograph and developing the photos in a dark room.

Pop rockets

In this activity, students create a pop rocket by combining a film canister, antacid tablet and water. 

Power up!

This STEM resource looks at different types of energy, energy in engineering, the importance of electricity and how this is generated. It investigates different types of renewable energy through a number of engineering themed hands-on and practical activities.

Curriculum links:

  • Science: Energy...

Professor Georgia's Engineering Adventures

This London Engineering Project and Royal Academy of Engineering paper describes how London South Bank University and London Engineering Project set up 'Professor Georgia's Engineering Adventures' in order to engage Year 7 students in STEM subjects and introduce them to...

Promoting Engineering as a Career to Young People

This resource from the Royal Academy of Engineering describes how the London Engineering Project worked to encourage students to see engineering as a potential career path. All activities used an Engineering Message to contextualise engineering and emphasise its impact on the world around us.

The project...

Puzzling Parallax

In the context of visual effects in movies, students are challenged to investigate parallax by finding out how the distance of a nearby object is related to how far it appears to move when you view it from different perspectives.  The activity develops graph drawing and data analysis skills.



The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of science, technology, engineering and mathematics on radar technology. Students explore the how to build structures, then design and build their own radar tower.

Welsh versions of the guidance documents are included.

Remotely piloted air systems

The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the use of science, technology, engineering and mathematics when controlling Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS). Students will use computing and maths skills to create a flight plan for RPAS.

Welsh versions of the guidance documents...

Removing resistance

Understand the engineering principles of hovering by building your own craft that can glide effortlessly across the table. This practical engineering activity provides instructions and teaching content to create a hovercraft out of a CD and balloon. 

Rocket performance in Bloodhound SSC

This detailed exemplar explores the rocket engine performance in the BLOODHOUND SSC engineering project. It requires student knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics when applied in mechanical engineering.



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